'Armenian lies are endorphin for Europeans' | Mubariz Ahmadoglu 

  03 May 2024    Read: 891

Armenians’ main problem is fictitious myths. According to the official data, the majority of Armenians in Armenia were brought from the Ottoman Empire by Tsarist Russia. Armenians living in Azerbaijan’s Karabakh regions were relocated from the current Islamic Republic of Iran. 

The Russia-Iran war divided Azerbaijan into two parts. Russia relocated the Armenians from the territories of Azerbaijan, which were part of Iran, in the territories of Azerbaijan, which Russia included in its composition. There are archival sources confirming this fact. Russia moved not only Armenians to Karabakh, but also some Greeks. For some reason, European researchers do not pay enough attention to these issues. Now an alternative view emerges. 

The root of Armenia’s fake history goes back to their participation in various court disputes and then in geopolitical games. Armenians were the only nation within the Ottoman Empire, who did not change their religion. Greeks, Bulgarians and other nations either changed their religions or paid religious taxes. Armenians acted as spies of the Ottoman army in Europe. The Ottoman army sent Armenians to areas before themselves. And the Armenians collected and transmitted all the information.]'

The Armenians occupied the Azerbaijani territories by attracting a large group of Russian and Soviet statesmen to their side with their lies about Russia. Finally, as a result of the ongoing geopolitical processes Azerbaijan gained ground as the Russian leadership got acquainted with the historical truth. The rating of Azerbaijani presidents - great leader Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev for Russia has been higher than all the Armenian leaders for a long time. This featured a decisive role in destroying Armenian myths and spreading the truth.

The fact that Europeans believe the lies spread by Armenians will give a heavy blow to Armenia. Armenia deceives Europe. Maybe Europe itself wants Armenians to deceive them. With the participation of all European leaders, Nikol Pashinyan has repeatedly noted that the territory of Armenia is written as 29,800 km², but later it turned out that it is a rounded number. there is another number: 29,743 km². 

Two groups of Russian peacekeepers leaving Karabakh were dislocated in Gorus and Sisian regions by entering the territory of the Armenian republic. Armenia did not take any objection in this regard. Russia may protect Armenia’s border with Georgia. It is possible according to the agreements. In 1992, Armenia beggingly brought Russian border guards to its borders with Iran and Turkiye. Besides, Armenia entreated Russia to be a CSTO member. In 1991, Yerevan was against Azerbaijan’s membership to CIS

Europe expects lies from Armenia about Azerbaijan and Turkiye. In its turn, Armenia ‘creates’ lies since it knows Europeans well. Europe must say no to endorphin called ‘Armenian lie’ and be aware of the regional truth. Otherwise, the South Caucasus policy of the West will fail. 

If Russia has an intention, it is able to make Armenia a part of its area. Discussions were held several times in this regard. According to the theoretical idea, Armenians living in Russia and outnumbering the population of Armenia will come to the territory of Armenia, a referendum will be held and Armenia will become part of Russia with the status of Kaliningrad.

The West must support only Armenia’s steps regarding its integration into the South Caucasus region. Otherwise serious clashes may emerge in the region. Azerbaijanis are the second largest nation in the Caucasus and surrounding regions. In terms of number, Azerbaijanis are behind only Russians. Instead of drawing a distinctive line, it is vital to support the policy in the direction of regional integration together with Azerbaijan.

Mubariz Ahmadoglu

Director of Political Innovation and Technology Center


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